Hi there.
I'm Susan D. Holmes.
This is my blog.
You may have some questions. I may have some answers.
For example, you may be wondering why the About page's tab is so far down-right. Aren't About pages usually displayed prominently?
I could tell you some clever, quirky reason for putting the About page way over here, but the truth is, I didn't want to reorganize my pages. They are perfectly sequentialized (is that a word? now it is) so that the longer-titled ones are in the middle, because otherwise they make the little squares unneccesarily large and sloppy looking. So that's that.
You may also be wondering:
What is the point of this blog?
At the beginning, I said "may have some answers" because I actually don't have answers to all of these questions. This one in particular. I don't know exactly what the point of this blog is. It's true. I probably shouldn't admit that, but I will, because I'm just cuh-ray-zay.
I do have an idea, though. Originally, this was just going to be a place for me to share my writing and develop an outlet for my abundant narcissism. Over time, however, as I created my pseudonym, Susan D. Holmes, I began to post more about things like Depression. I have depression, and I know I would appreciate a place where I could empathize with other depression-sufferers. So, essentially, this is a place where fellow depressed people can read relatable writing and maybe even find a smile or two! It's also just a place for regular people who enjoy these things I post about. Should I have said regular people? Probably not. I don't think that's very sensitive.
I digress.
I suppose what I'm trying and failing to articulate is that some people, like me, might enjoy a sort of blog that helps them to deal with the bad stuff. And that doesn't always have to mean articles and information and rants about depression or other ailments, because that can grow rather tedious. Nobody wants to read about only that all the time, and sufferers of these ailments are no exception. So, my blog is, to put a proper description to it, a source of comfort and fun. Look at funny pictures, read cute stories, have a laugh or a smile. Whatever floats your boat!
About Me:
I love writing, reading, acting, singing, dancing (poorly), voicing my opinions when they are clearly not desired, talking in weird accents, fake opera singing, tea, cupcakes, astronomy, television, movies, music, palindromes, and giraffes. And elephants, too. Ok... that's it.
If you love cake, spaceships, hats with fruit on them, cereal with prizes in the box, loose tea that looks gross and makes non-tea drinkers cower, phone boxes, "getting jiggy with it," pomp, circumstance, old VCR players, hunky 50's film stars, medieval instruments, Brit Lit, Chiquita Banana Stickers, chocolate-covered anything, balloons, blowing bubbles, talking with weird accents, over-long blog descriptions, life itself, or ironically-un-ironic moustaches, you've come to the right place.
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