Wonderfully Worthy Words!

So, I read a lot. And write a lot. And take AP English. And the SATs.
As a result, I know some words, some of which are very awesome.
I shall record them here and encourage the use of them.
COMMENT some suggestions!

1. Superfluous
2. Whimsy
3. Elucidate
4. Conundrum
5. Serendipity
6. Swell (yes, I know it was cringed at by the speech tutor in "I Love Lucy," and I do not care)
7. Peculiar
8. Poppycock
9. Gobbledygook
10. Winsome
11. Discombobulate
12. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
13. Gargantuan
14. Obliterate
15. Annihalate (scary word.)
16. Humdrum
17. Flabbergast
18. Haggard
19. Petrichor (I hope I've just excited some Whovians)
20. Chimerical (Dear little Olive Ostrovsky...)
21. Fanciful
22. Fantastical
23. Chivalry
24. Hullabaloo (possible blog re-naming in order?)
26. Mammoth
27. Flabbergasted
28. Braggadocious
28. Exquisite
29. Ravishing
30. Pendulum
31. Elixer
32. Paradox
33. Crpytic
34. Pandemonium
35. Espionage
36. Defenestration (of Prague. Get it, AP Euro kids?)
37. Clatter
38. Evanescence
39. Blustery
40. Effusive
41. Soliloquy
42. Transluscent
43. Axiom
44. Epitome
45. Flibbertigibbet
46. Cataclysmic
47. Juggernaut
48. Spelunking! (Ah, the stories I could tell)
49. Balderdash
50. Eclectic

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