Thursday, March 8, 2012

Go Fly a Kite

Hello lovelies,
Unfortunately it seems that the universe does not want me to write a blog.
Too bad, universe. It'll take more than a 102 degree fever to stop me!
Though it has, admittedly, slowed me down.
No matter! Today is a beautiful spring day, the first of many, I hope. It's strange, because I'm very much a fall/winter person, and naturally we detest the idea of spring. But, year after year, whenever it rolls along, I can't help but rejoice in the season. Today it's sunny, warm, and wonderfully windy. Even though I am cooped up inside watching children's movies thanks to my ailment, I have the strongest desire to go fly a kite. Not that I own a kite, mind you. But that will soon change.
In response to this desire, I decided to write a short story about flying a kite. Apologies, it's not finished yet, but since I hadn't posted in a while I felt I should just pop on and make it clear that I'm still here and blogging! As soon as there's a decent draft of it I'll post it to this exact blog post, so keep checking back.

In the mean time, to quench your kite crazy, here's a picture of a kite:
(this reminds me of Peter Pan)

And a heartwarming video of a song about a kite:

And also a book about a kite (more or less...):

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