Saturday, January 28, 2012

10 Ways to Procrastinate

Well it's Midterms time.
I have a confession to make.
I am a ridiculous procrastinator. It shocks my teachers, because I seem like one of those sweet little "studious" types. Until an assignment has been due for a week and I haven't turned it in yet. Oops. Anyway, hypocritical as it is, I like to do something at least somewhat productive in my procrastinated time. If you're a procrastinator like me, here are 10 Way to Procrastinate:

1. Read a book. Oh, come on, don't laugh. I'm serious. People need to read more. Find a book you're interested in, sit back, relax, and enjoy it. You'll increase your vocabulary and your imagination. And your ability to seem pretentious at scholarly parties.
2. Bake. Once again, I'm serious. Bake! And I mean it in the cooking sense, not the marijuana term. Come on, folks. Listen to music to keep you interested, and just go crazy. Make cupcakes for your family, or cookies for that girl at school who saved you from failing a test by helping you with your FRQ outline at 11pm (yes, I have baked for this reason). Find awesome recipes and try them. Learn how to make buttercream icing. Experiment! It's fun, and you get food out of it.
3. Learn an Instrument. Maybe you're one of those families with a random piano in the living room that's origins are unknown. Maybe you heard an instrument in a song and thought "Oh my goodness that's pretty." Maybe you play an instrument, but procrastinate practicing it. Whatever the case, pick up an intrument, google some tabs, and learn a cool song! I personally play violin, ukulele, and mandolin, and I play them all the time instead of doing homework.
4. Nostalgia Time. If you're a teen, you're at that point where you can say things like, "Remember when (blah blah blah)? Kids today don't even know what that is." If you're an adult, you've been doing that for years. Pull out an old video or search for an old TV show or music that you used to like. Who cares if it's stupid or childish? At one point it was a big part of your life. Pop it in your media port of choice and let the nostalgia begin. My personal picks? "The Amanda Show," "Lizzie McGuire," "Kim Possible," "Fairly Oddparents," The Backstreet Boys, and old Disney Channel Original Movies like "Zenon" and "The Even Stevens Movie." ZETUS LAPETUS!
5. Imaginary Adventure. Pop in those earbuds, close your eyes, play the music score from a particular movie/tv show, and let the adventure begin. Seriously, I do this all the time when i'm daydreaming... particularly with the music of "The Social Network" and "Doctor Who." I promise you; blast the Doctor Who score, and any mundane activity becomes an inter-galactic adventure. Plus, this boosts your imagination and who knows? You may get some ideas for a future writing endeavor.
6. Blast some music and dance around. Pretty self explanatory. If you need a reference, youtube any 90's-2000's movie. There's bound to be a dancing-with-hairbrush montage somewhere in the mix.
7. Go for a Walk. Just get up and go. See where it takes you. For me, I almost always end up at the bookstore.
8. Write. Anything. Seriously. A haiku, an angsty journal entry, a really derivative novel, it doesn't matter. Just write.
9. Play the Sims. This is a very effective procrastinator. Get a "Sims" game if you're crazy enough not to have one, make a ridiculous family, and get them into various shenanigans. Live vicariously through your virtual people.
10. Read my blog!

-Susan D. Holmes

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