Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hey, Look At This! is an amazing website. A friend introduced it to me a while back, and I thought I ought to share it with you all. Now, many depression-sufferers, like myself, are advised against websites such as WebMD (which I am NOT putting a link to, because I care about you. Stay away.) because we tend to freak out and go into hypochondriacal (is that a word?) episodes.

However, this website understands that and pokes fun at it. You can look up your medicine and learn it's Pros, Cons, Side Effects (separated into mini-categories ranging from "common" to "freaky rare"), and, for all us paranoid folks, Interesting Stuff Your Doctor Probably Won't Tell You!

I looked up my current antidepressant, Prozac, which is a pretty chill med (I resisted the temptation to say "chill pill"). Here's what it says:

Luckily, I haven't experienced the crazy weight gain it describes, and as to the loss of sex drive, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell either way. I am a chaste soul. However, some of the weird side effects such as getting randomly angry sound pretty familiar to me, although I am a teenage girl so obviously there may be other factors involved. CrazyMeds also makes me feel very fortunate. I have been blessed with Prozac luck, because as far as I can tell I have not had involuntary tongue protrusion, and anyone who has ever laid eyes on me can tell you that I definitely do not suffer from what CrazyMeds refers to as "Porno Boobs."

Look up your meds, have a laugh, freak out about possible side effects and convince yourself you have them, and Comment Below with any funny bits about your personal med worth sharing!

-Susan D. Holmes

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