Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hello, Folks!
I'm Susan D. Holmes. This is my blog.

I doubt many people will read this. I'm not exactly sure what prompted me to start a blog. I suppose I just figured, hey, I write so much, and it distracts me from schoolwork anyway, so why not put it up for people to see? And here you have it. My blog.
What will this blog be composed of, you may ask? Well, I don't really have a proper answer. Yet. But, for now, I am almost positive that it will go something like this:

Writing (links to pieces I write, short stories, essays, that sort of thing)
Charities (every Wednesday (I think) I will post about a particular charity that I support or work with)
Book Reccomendations (I do love books. And I reccomend books to unwilling people all the time... so it makes sense to give my reccomendations somewhere that's optional)
Things You Should Watch (I just couldn't decide whether to make a few more links for videos, tv shows, and movies that I want to reccomend, so I just smooshed them all into one category)
A Few of My Favorite Things (raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens... and other miscellaneous things I like and want to share).

So that's essentially it! A tad boring, I know. Hopefully as I move along with this, I will figure out how it will really work. One of the things I want to make clear, though, is that this will NEVER be a venty, gossip-y blog. I'm a student, and I don't want to rant about kids at my school or complain about my personal issues. I may post writing that has to do with me personally (as I am about to in the next post) and I may express opinions on issues from time to time, but I don't want to direct any comments at certain individuals. There's enough gossip in school itself, we don't need to carry it on via internet.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog. Tell your friends, please!

Susan D. Holmes

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