Saturday, January 28, 2012

Answer Me This...

...What is the meaning of life?

Just kidding.

But seriously, I do have a question. What ever happened to class?
Class is dead. Or nearly, at least. I submit that it can be revived. Shall we bring back the class?
Let's have tea parties and wear skirts past our fingertips, and say hello to people we pass by. Let's hold doors for people and make friendly conversation when we (gasp) meet people out in the real, tangible world. Let's speak with words and go to friend's concerts and plays and write each other letters. Why not?

I'm not at all suggesting the revival of corsets, snootiness, or class segregation. No! I am merely pointing out, as a matter of personal opinion, by the way, that there are many aspects of the old-fashioned society that are rather nice and ought to be brought back into modern society. Who will join me?

Tea Party it up, people!
(And I don't mean that in support of any political parties. This is a purely objective blog, polictically-speaking. I mean a social gathering that includes nice outfits, casual conversation, ample tea, and sweet treats. Is that so unheard of?)

Please, let's do this:
NOT this:

Susan D. Holmes

P.S.- I will be updating the different pages soon. Once I start posting book reccomendations, charities, etc., I will then re-post them under those pages. For now, please check out the WRITING page and the A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS... page. These have been added to so far. Enjoy!

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